The housing bubble won't pop.

and the most popular ETFs by retail traders

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Today's Letter

  • The housing bubble won't pop

  • The top ETFs by retail traders and why they are so popular

The housing bubble - why it won't pop... yet

Housing doomers in shambles since the housing collapse hasn't happened yet.

"GUH mortgage rates at all-time highs, mortgage applications at all-time lows, why isn't my house worth pennies?"

real-estate bears, probably

Listen chum, the housing market won't crash until everyone in the great USA loses their jobs and can no longer pay rent or pay their mortgage... This includes YOU so if you are cheering for a real-estate collapse you are cheering against yourself... most importantly I want you to remember that this newsletter is a Wendy's and is for entertainment purposes only (and most definitely not financial advice).

Let's continue... Something that irks me is seeing the real-estate bears celebrate the housing market being down -10% since June. "The crash is HERE" can be heard all around Reddit and Twitter. What crash are they even talking about? A 10% drop after a huge run-up to the moon should not identify as a non-binary market crash. Proof: Here's a look at the Redfin data.

But what does it all mean? Sit down and I'll tell you what it means.

  • From June to present time, the U.S real-estate market has dropped 10%

  • YTD, the U.S real-estate market is still up 6%

  • Since 2021, the U.S real-estate market is up 25%

Next, I'll show you some data on why I think the real-estate market has been very resilient through these times when interest + mortgage rates have rocketed. Is it technical analysis? Have houses found support at XYZ level? Definitely not.

We'll explain that, as well as the top ETFs discussed by retail traders and why they are popular... Come join us inside to get the full details.

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